28.09.2022 ORCA van Loon Communications has been successfully certified according to Consultancy Management Standard III (CMSIII). This is the internationally recognized quality standard for communications consultancies. An independent audit today certified the quality of work and processes based on standardized categories such as business development, customer satisfaction and human resources management.

"We do high-quality work" - said every consultancy ever. The claim may be justified. After all, they can be well justified by internal quality management, evaluations, positive feedback and a practiced error culture. But for outsiders, it is often difficult to distinguish between confident claims and the reality of the work performed.

Here, the assessment of an independent body can provide more security by confirming the high quality of the agency's management and processes externally as well. This provides security for clients, applicants, management and employees and generates trust in a constantly changing market. constantly changing market.

Externe Leistungsbescheinigung dank CMS III-Zertifizierung

The Society of Leading PR and Communications Agencies in Germany (GPRA) has recognized precisely this with the CMS III-Qualitätsstandard and thus created an instrument that makes this independent verification possible. The website of the GPRA states: "After a successful certification process by independent auditors, the agencies are certified by means of the seal of quality that they align their working methods in a total of eight process areas to a high level of quality management and comply with international requirements. The areas include, for example, leadership & communications services, corporate development, customer satisfaction, new business, and project & campaign execution."

The path to becoming certified

As a member of GPRA, ORCA van Loon Communications is also committed to these standards. In preparation for the CMSIII audit, existing processes and working methods were therefore analyzed in smaller teams, adjusted where necessary and discussed in regular meetings with all employees. These included the areas of human resources and project management, financial management and sustainability. The exchange within the teams enabled the needs and wishes of all employees to be incorporated into the processes. In addition, the results of the discussions directly ensured even greater clarity and time savings, for example through clearly defined responsibilities and simplified structures. Preparation for the audit thus also had a positive effect on general communication and willingness to provide feedback within the team.

Successfully certified

Am 28. September durchlief ORCA van Loon Communications schließlich erfolgreich das CMS III-Audit und erhielt noch am selben Tag das offizielle CMS III-Siegel. „Wir freuen uns sehr, damit einen Beitrag für mehr Transparenz und Qualität innerhalb der Kommunikationsbranche leisten zu können. Denn von zertifizierter Qualität profitieren nicht nur wir und unsere Auftraggeber*innen, sondern die gesamte Branche“, betont Hendrik Schulze van Loon, Managing Partner von ORCA van Loon Communications. Die Zertifizierung ist für ORCA van Loon Communications jedoch erst der erste Schritt. „Wir betrachten unsere Qualitätsstandards als Prozesse, die laufend angepasst und verbessert werden müssen. Dafür stehen wir mit dem CMS III-Siegel ein“, so Schulze van Loon weiter.

Now we can proudly say, "At ORCA van Loon, we provide *proven* high-quality work." And will do everything to ensure this in the future as well.

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