Today, companies are expected to show their commitment to environmental and climate protection and thus demonstrate that they are taking on social responsibility. Strict climate protection regulations and a significantly heightened public awareness of climate protection virtually demand that companies report on the sustainability of their actions. This requirement affects international corporations just as much as small and medium-sized enterprises. Those who remain silent lose customers and business.2Those who remain silent lose customers and business. Those who know the CO2 footprint of their organization and can communicate concrete savings targets for greenhouse gas emissions have a clear advantage.
Our communications experts and engineers can advise and support you in positioning your company as a sustainable enterprise. We provide you with the hardest currency in the climate debate: professional reporting of your greenhouse gas emissions. We develop the right story for your convincing sustainability communication. Then we make your commitment visible on all relevant channels. We also help you anchor sustainability in your corporate strategy.
With decades of experience as a strategic communications consultancy, we protect your brand's reputation - even when it comes to climate protection. We know that statements about ecological, social and economic standards must be transparent and verifiable. "Greenwashing," suspected eco-swindling, is severely punished in the marketplace. Let's actively use the advantages of positive sustainability communication together!