The Internet has changed everything. Communication has not only become faster but also highly fragmented. But above all: more direct.

Countless digital platforms and channels have led to a new form of dialog: With entirely new ways for specific, direct management of reputation. But at the same time, this dialog also makes it more vulnerable than ever.

As Germany's only strategic communications consultancy, operating on the market as an owner-managed company in its third generation, we support our clients when reputation is at stake: in crises, during management changes, restructurings and targeted issues management, but also in long-term cooperation with the media and the establishment of digital structures in corporate communications.

With decades of experience in opinion management, we know one thing above all: how the international communications markets are changing. That's why we have long-standing reputation experts and digital natives working hand in hand to keep our clients' communications management at the cutting edge.


  • No origin - no future

    Dietrich Schulze van Loon
    Dietrich Schulze van Loon Managing Partner


ORCA van Loon Communications is one of the leading strategy consultancies for corporate communication in Germany and member of the brand association GPRA. Keeping the interests of their stakeholders in mind, companies and organisations trust in our strengths in both analogue and digital areas.

That's why we combine in-depth background knowledge of current developments in our clients' industries with experienced experts in strategy, reputation management, media and digital communications. Together, we make the difference and ensure the success of strategic communication.

Our team:



One thing digitalisation hasn’t changed: professional communication creates value. This is what we are convinced of. With this in mind we consult companies and organisations. Only if communication solutions are integrally and strategically thought-out as well as implemented creatively und individually, they are able to strengthen our clients’ reputation – and therefore become relevant competitive factors and value drivers. Thus, in all steps of the process we work according to this principle: starting with profound analysis, conception and strategic consultancy up to exact implementation and evaluation processes - no matter if it concerns digital or analogue areas.

Credential Cases


We have built a trusting partnership with many of our clients over the years. We have helped many of them not only to find their long-term strategic positioning, but also to protect their reputation in mission-critical situations. For others, we provide integrated consulting across all regions, because together with our partners from the ORCA Group and the global IPREX network, we offer comprehensive communications consulting that knows no disciplinary or national boundaries.


ORCA van Loon Communications supports executive boards, manager and communication executives of national and international conglomerates, family businesses and medium-sized companies as well as government authorities and NGOs with their long-term strategic positioning. By means of our work we help to cope with crises, to initiate and communicate internal changes, to protect and build up your reputation, to develop digital channels for your corporate communication as well as to reach your strategic goals.


Communication is becoming faster, more multilayered, more complex. Holistic reputation management will face challenges tomorrow that were unimaginable yesterday. We do not claim to have mastered every new communication discipline. But it is our claim to advise our clients today and tomorrow without disciplinary boundaries - strategically sound and always at the cutting edge.

This is ensured by our partners and strategic alliances. Whether in matters of digital transformation with the Denkfabrik or in case of global crisis situations with the Result Group, one of the internationally leading consultancies for risk and crisis management.


We want to make a difference. For all our customers, every day anew. In order for us to succeed, not only expertise and competence have to be on point, but also the chemistry. That's why openness, authenticity, humanity and curiosity are just as important to ORCA van Loon Communications as know-how, high standards, top quality and commitment.

Here you can find our current job offers.


ORCA is a dynamic agency network consisting of five independent and owner-managed agencies. More than 100 specialists work at four locations in Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin and Munich, developing integrated communications solutions for companies, organizations and brands.

In the various disciplines we solve closely interlocked communicative challenges across the entire spectrum of tasks, ranging from classic advertising to public relations, public affairs, crisis communication and crisis management to online marketing.


Communication knows no national borders. That's why ORCA van Loon Communications is a member of the international IPREX network,which brings together leading owner-managed communications consultancies from all major markets around the world.

In this way, we are represented internationally by around 75 IPREX members and, together with them, can draw on a network in 115 cities and communications services from over 1,800 employees from a wide range of disciplines.


Als Mitglied der Deutschen Public Relations Gesellschaft e.V. (DPRG) ist ORCA van Loon Communications seit 2022 erfolgreich nach dem CMS III Standard zertifiziert. Beim Consultancy Management Standard III handelt es sich um ein international anerkanntes Qualitätszertifizierungssystem für PR- und Kommunikationsagenturen. 

Wir sehen uns als Kommunikationsberatung diesem Standard verpflichtet, um einen wertvollen Beitrag zu mehr Transparenz, Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit in der Kommunikationsbranche zu leisten. Gleichzeitig ist es unser Ziel, unsere internen Strukturen und Prozesse laufend zu verbessern. Damit geben wir unseren Mitarbeitenden noch mehr Sicherheit in den täglichen Arbeitsabläufen und gleichzeitig Raum für Kreativität und Austausch.  


Let's work together


Steinhöft 5-7
20459 Hamburg
+49 (0) 40 6963855 -0


Hochschulring 6
28359 Bremen
+49 (0) 40 6963855 -0


Calle De Santa Maria 48
07670 Portocolom
+49 (0) 40 6963855 -0

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