Excellent advice - says who?

We all wear them almost every day at the moment: FFP2 masks. We rely on their safe protection. But what gives us this security? On the one hand, a correct way of wearing, which is up to us. But other criterias are important, too. For example, only CE-certified FFP2 masks guarantee that the safety and health requirements are met throughout the EU. And the TÜV checks again and certifies. So we rely on seals that are ascribed a high level of credibility through independent testing and trust that they are safe.

Action! 5 tips for effective and comprehensible moving image communication

by Simon Jöcker. A picture is worth a thousand words and a film is worth ten thousand. This has been known not only since the triumph of social media. Together with ORCA van Loon Communications, I pursue this claim for companies and organizations. Most recently, for example, with the project "Mobilikon", when the aim was to vividly present new mobility offers for communities in rural areas. How do we do that? Here are five tips & tricks!

Newsroom: Plea for smaller measures instead of big theories

Us ORCAs welcomed Marie as an intern for half a year. During this time, she also wrote the following opinion piece. We would like to take this opportunity to thank her again for her support and this exciting article. When working with clients, it is not uncommon for us to explain what exactly communication work is and how different mechanisms are connected - at least that is what my colleagues told me. At the time, I was not only new to ORCA van Loon Communications but also a newcomer to the communication industry. I had spent the last few years as a cultural scientist and research assistant.

ServiceValue study: ORCA van Loon Communications is among Germany's best consultants

ORCA van Loon is one of Germany's best consultants - this is the result of a study conducted by the analysis and consulting company ServiceValue in cooperation with the daily newspaper DIE WELT. In this year's study, 3,162 corporate customers from various business sectors were asked which management consultants they had had particularly good experiences with.